

来源:2024.10      日期:2024-10-14      访问次数:

题  目:汉语韵律特征的主要内容(下)

时  间:2024年10月20日(周日)15:00-17:00

地  点:北京语言大学综合楼1223室

主讲人:Hana Třísková 博士、研究员 捷克科学院东方研究所

主持人:曹文 博士、研究员 北京语言大学



汉语韵律教学标注系统CHIPROT(Chinese Prosodic Transcription)是面向非声调母语背景的汉语学习者进行语音教学而设计的方案。该方案发端于捷克已故知名汉学家、语音学家施瓦尔尼(Oldřich Švarný 1920-2011)的汉语标注系统,已在捷克的汉语教学界得以成功应用。对该方案的最新介绍见于《中国语音学报》第20辑(2023-2)之“汉语韵律教学内容与方法的创新——评《好听的汉语》”及Istvan Kecskes & Hang Zhang(2024)的Chinese as a Second Language Research from Different Angles。本次讲座(两场)借鉴“tutorial”形式,介绍汉语韵律特征的主要内容,共有4个模块:Introduction to prosody & CHIPROT; Stress; Chunking; Intonation。讲座用英文讲解,接受英文、中文提问。


Hana Třísková, Ph.D. 廖敏is a research fellow at the Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences. She graduated in Sinology from Charles University, Prague. In 1982–1983 she was a postgraduate student at Peking University. Her research interests include phonology and phonetics of Chinese, especially utterance-level prosody, and the methodology of teaching Chinese pronunciation. Her goal is to introduce results of research in Chinese linguistics and phonetics into L2 teaching. She teaches courses in Chinese prosody at Charles University.

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